Will chatbots replace humans?

There will be a future where chatbots will replace humans in certain jobs. People will likely still make use of the services provided by chatbots, even if they could have been delivered by human workers. While it is certainly possible that companies will choose to only deal with other machines because it will be cheaper and more efficient to do so, there are several reasons why this will not happen. First, many people simply enjoy speaking with other people over automated systems, even when they don't need to ask questions or convey information which necessitates human contact. Second, since some people prefer to interact with another autonomous individual rather than a machine and will pay more money for the same service, we will see an increase in business for human workers. Finally, not everyone will trust machines to manage their money well enough that they will want them to handle large amounts of it. Therefore, we will likely see chatbots taking over some jobs performed by hu...