How to do upgrades on an electrical service panel

How to do upgrades on an electrical service panel? Introduction Upgrading your home's electrical panel is a great way to save money in the long run. It will also ensure that your home has enough electricity to keep up with modern appliances, lights and gadgets. One of the most important things you'll want to consider when doing this upgrade is whether or not your home has enough power for everything that needs it. If you're unsure about this, it's best to call an electrician first so they can assess the situation for you. Step 1. Assessing the Situation The first step of any electrical service panel upgrade is to assess the situation. Look at the existing electrical system and components, looking for outdated or damaged wiring, safety issues (like exposed wires), problems with the electrical service (such as flickering lights), and problems with the capacity of your home's electrical system. Step 2. Select Your Service Panel The next step is to determine the size ...